Wednesday 12 August 2015

I'm not a writer...

Emma Louise Carney,
Fashion Photography & Travel blog
Studying Fashion Brand Promotion with Photography at the University of Central Lancashire.
A lot of things inspire me, from textures in a painting to the rush of the people in a big city therefore as an avid blog lover myself, I thought I would openly publish all of my work, inspirations and travels for the public to see, so whether you're reading this as a friend or family member (aww, look at you being all supportive) or whether you're reading this as a complete stranger I just thought I would say hi and let you all have a look inside my head.
Disclaimer, I'm not a writer, I'm a photographer! So I'm really sorry if I offend anyone out there who's really into their grammar, I hope that people will concentrate more on my practices not wording! 

Oh yeah, this is me... As Marilyn Monroe at The Very Big Catwalk in Liverpool, July 4th!

If you'd like to follow me around or get inspired somehow follow me:
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Emma x

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