Thursday 20 August 2015

Positive Vibes

Quick post from my phone today as I have a LOT to do in the next 7 days and I'm rushed for time, and as we all know... Once you sit down on your laptop there's no coming off! Not with online shopping and Pinterest about!

First thing is finishing touches to anything craft related to my sister's wedding, I'd tell you what that included but I don't want to spoil anything for the big day! (It involves colour...lots of it)

Second is ticking off my list for University, I'm moving in quite early so this is going to be a bit of a squeeze! Washing, organizing, thinking the same thing over and over again to certain items like "do I reeaaallllyyyy need to bring this?" THE STRUGGLE

Last is of course my AmeriCamp video, I'm super duper excited for this as it's going to get messy ;) That's all I'm going to say!

So no major post today, just a quick chat about why I've disappeared!

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