Wednesday 10 August 2016

F A S H I O N Z O N E M A G A Z I NE 2 0 1 6

Women of Power Editorial

Chanel Joan Elkayam is a fashion label that represents a bold, elegant and sophisticated clothing collection that has been designed by Chanel Joan Elkayam.

The womenswear designer Chanel Joan Elkayam has an interest in fashion since a very young age. She has a natural talent for refined technique, precise touch and creativity. In her opinion, even the smallest detail can contribute to complete a perfect complimentary garment. This has led to the creation of a chic and refined collection.

hen she was just 17 years old she showcased her clothing line at Manchester Fashion Week. where she received a standing ovation from the entire audience.  

Chanel Joan Elkayam is now 18 years old and has already exhibited a Couture collection in Paris Fashion Week (March 2016). She is one of the youngest designers in the fashion history that that was invited to show case a collection in Paris. 

The collection was debuted in Eygpt fashion magazine FASHION ZONE which can be seen here: with work from myself and the dream team!

Designer - Chanel Joan Elkayam
Photography - Emma Louise Carney
Assistant - Elliott Lewis
Creative Direction - Jack Alexander Meredith-Elsworth
Model - Ella Mcneil
MUA & Assist - Charlotte Cardwell & Chloe-Louise Ingleby
Hair & Assist - Andrew Joseph Manion & Rachel Monaghan

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