Tuesday 18 August 2015

AmeriCamp 2016

I'm sooo excited to be joining the AmeriCamp team for Summer 2016! I'm hoping to reach out to children of all ages and teach them my weird and wacky ways of the art world and how to make their own, as well as taking pretty amazing pictures to show off to all their friends when they go home! Next step is Interview and getting placed! #freebiscuits
Image taken by myself

Now, while I'm off to enjoy my tea and biscuits to get rid of my insane sugar cravings today, I just want to say that if you have any sort of amazing talent you'd like to share, then you can apply for AmeriCamp 2016 now! Just head to www.americamp.co.uk! 

Their Twitter is always full of fun tweets and amazing travel inspiration so give them a shout on @AmeriCamp if you have any questions or if you want to have a chat! 

I really can't wait for the next year, so many exciting things happening! x

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