Wednesday 19 August 2015

Naomi Graham - Disposable Strangers

Happy World Photography Day! To celebrate, I've included work from a classmate of mine at uni, it's brilliant!

Naomi Graham Photography

Disposable Strangers - The Hotdog Man

''Following my recent post 'The vintage shop', I am now happy to introduce you to another willing participant of my disposable strangers project 'The hot dog man' (A.K.A Steve). I thought that he would be a great participant as he is seemingly well known in the community and is in a prime location for potentially interesting images. Once again I took an image of the subject on medium format 120 film (pictured above) and left a disposable camera in his possession for a couple of weeks... some of his images are posted below''

 LOVE this work by Naomi Graham, she is a fantastic photographer and is actually in my photography classes at UCLan! As I'm really eager to learn medium format myself I love seeing local work and how amazing the concept is and how brilliant the outcomes are! I mean, who doesn't love a bit of red and hot dogs? ;)

Her work can be displayed here

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